Introduction of new surfscan SP2XP, a new monitor for wafer inspection system for the integrated circuit has built a success upon its predecessor tool with the same name. The new wafer inspection system features improved sensitivity to defects on silicone, poly and metal films. It also has the ability to sort defects by the type and size. This new semiconductor wafer inspection system also features vacuum handling and best-in-class throughput.
This system is designed and manufactured to enable facilitate chipmakers to bring in their devices to the market with superior quality and in minimal amount of time. This system has an integrated ultra high sensitivity operating mode to speed up the process of development of next generation devices.
This SP2 system is designed for 65 and 45 nm nodes and below. This slip in new UV laser technology, dark field optics and advanced algorithms. This tool is developed to continuously provide reliable and accurate defects in engineered substrates. This tool is designed to detect defect patterns of 6 nm or higher in a multilayered wafer patterns at a relatively higher speed. The false alarm rate is designed to be less than 0.5 occurrences per chip. The performance is achieved by using the optical set up and the digital design pattern data. The main function of the digital design pattern data is to isolate the defective areas into different layers, so as to facilitate the isolation of the defects. The image is processed in one pass by an image processer that has high speed pipeline structured and which can detect for defects at a video rate of 7 mega hertz.
This semiconductor wafer inspection system technology is designed to address the needs to quickly detect the defective materials so that the problem can be rectified sooner. To sooner lesser is the wafer scrap, yield loss and market delay. This technology is believed to actually improve the production of leading edge devices with minimal defects at a lesser period of time.
The advantages of the surfscan SP2XP monitor wafer inspection system include thirty six percent increases in the throughput resulting from changes in opto-mechanics, electronics and software. The multi channel architecture enables the wafer inspection system to automatically separate particles from micro scratches, voids, water marks etc. Ultra high sensitivity mode enables the system to be used for development of next generation chips. The introduction of Opto-mechanics has proved to be effective in detecting defects even over rough films. The new differential interference contrast channel enables capture of shallow, flat and faint defects which can result in failure of devices at advanced devices. The defect sizing capability enables detecting defects at higher speed with greater accuracy.
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