2011年7月2日 星期六

On The Cutting Edge Of Eco-Friendly Energy: The Solar Electricity System

Ever since Edison gave us the light bulb, our lives have been illuminated in more way than we could have ever imagined. Behind the power of electricity are the thrills of new discoveries and the dreams of future inventions that seem endless. Electricity it literally makes the world go round and we have come to depend on it like the water we drink every day. Businesses thrive and industries grow around the commodity of electricity which the public demands seems to multiply like cells divide. Could we ever live without it? Could we still maintain the level of communication that seems to outpace our needs? I Think Not. Yes it is a given that coal, oil, natural gas and even nuclear material have provided the means to generate the electrical power thus far. However, these resources are limited and are they really Eco-friendly? That is why we are waking up to the reality that we must find and use cleaner and safer sources for energy. Well I'm here to tell you that our future is very bright and I really mean it, just look up to the sky after day-break. Yes my friends, using the sun's unceasing energy we are able to produce all the power we need by means of a solar electricity system.

Utilizing the sun's power by continuous and reflected light solar electricity systems work very efficiently. By using wafer thin pieces of semiconductor materials like silicon or crystalline gallium arsenide better known as solar cells or PV (photovoltaic) cells, technology enables us to exchange the sunlight for electricity. Using basic electronic circuits the PV cells are connected in series and parallel to produce affordable electricity. Would you believe that 20 or 30 cents per kilowatt/hour is a reasonable price? Our scientists have been using this type of power for decades. We rely on this technology more than you may think, from communication satellites that orbit the earth to probes that send us critical information about the vastness of space, all are powered by solar cell systems. Compared to more traditional fossil fuel generation plant, solar electricity systems offer an eternal Earth-friendly use of a free resource. Given the fact that the sun only shines for a given period each day and our planet orbit create seasons, the effectiveness of solar cells can be fairly low. In order to efficiently use solar converted electricity, which is DC (Direct Current) we use converters that transform it to AC (Alternating Current), the common form that we have come to know.

Energy from the sun can be used in other ways too. Solar radiation includes an energy spectrum of infrared light waves which are longer and generate heat in dense materials. This energy can be focused and directed to heat and even boil specific liquids including water to run turbines which drive electric generators. Using a highly reflective surface shaped to bounce the solar radiation into a specific area is better known as a parabolic trough. This technology enables the concentrated radiant solar energy onto a receiver which contains a thermal transfer liquid. The heated liquid drives a turbine-generator by releasing its heat and is returned to the receiver to be re-heated again. Systems such as these work very well in hot arid desert locations. Solar radiation is converted more efficiently with this type solar electric system. To optimize the productivity of systems such as these, solar dishes and power generation towers are implemented.

As we have evolved from primitive energy sources of coal, oil and natural gas our understanding of their use has become evident. Considering the ecologic effects of using fossil fuels using cleaner and sustainable energy sources has a greater benefit to all life of the planet. Long before there was ever a need for electricity, plants have always utilized their unique ability of photosynthesis to harness the suns energy harmoniously, why can't we? Our society is at the age of technology and information and we have a responsibility to use it wisely. By modeling our environment and using solar energy such as the live sustaining vegetation of the earth, there is no reason to dig into the earth for our energy needs. Every day is filled with an endless amount of energy from the sun and solar electricity systems can achieve our needs.

Hi my name is Aaron Mitchell. I an avid researcher of free energy facts and solutions to using free energy. I love to share my online research findings and discoveries with others through my blog Free-EnergyFacts.com.

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2011年7月1日 星期五

Photovoltaic (PV) Module and Its Lifespan

Photovoltaic (PV) cells are transistors or integrated circuits on steroids. Most people have seen the latest microcomputer chip used in PCs. It's a silicon wafer about the size of your thumbnail that holds several millions transistors and other electronic parts. PV cells start out the same way circuits, but they are kept in the oven until they are much larger, approximately 10 cm in diameter. The baked silicon rods are sliced into wafers which are polished and assembled with interconnecting electrical wires. A grouping of PV cells which are arranged in a frame is called module.

Almost all photovoltaic module manufacturers provide a written guarantee for 20 to 25 years or more. The manufacturers are obviously quite sure that their products will stand the test of time. The reason for this certainty is the same one that explains why old transistor radios last so long. The semiconductor technology of the cell wafer results in very little wear and degradation.

The standard warranty term from siemens states that any module that loses more than 10 % power output within 10 years or 20 % within 25 years will be repaired or replaced. (This is known as a limited liability warranty, more commonly known as the fine print; be sure to read this detail carefully to ensure you understand the warranty terms.) Cell technology and quality of workmanship are very high in the industry, so be sure to purchase cells with the best possible warranty for your money.

The cells themselves are quite fragile. To protect them from damage and weather, the cells are bonded to a special tempered-glass surface and sealed using a strong plastic backing material. (Laminated or flexible "roof shingle" systems replace the glass surface with a tough, flexible polymer). The entire module is inserted into an aluminum, non-corroding housing to form the finished assembly. Once a grouping of modules, called an array, is mounted to a roof or to a fixed or tracking rack, it should stay put forever.

Elieser Tarigan is an expert on solar energy technology. He has written several articles on solar thermal, solar electricity technologies, and other green energy. To learn more about him, visit his site: http://netfinest.com

Perspectives on Photovoltaics - Costs Decrease As Solar Cell Technology Advances

When it comes to photovoltaic (PV) cells, Wall Street is concerned primarily with established companies employing traditional silicon-based technologies. However, record high oil prices based on genuine long-term supply worries has Wall Street increasing its interest in companies developing other PV technologies and materials, because at least for the immediate future, all types of PV technologies will thrive. This is despite the fact that the price of polysilicon, a key material used in traditional silicon-based solar cells and semiconductors, is expected to come down within the next six months. Lower polysilicon prices would seem to dampen interest in alternative non-silicon PV technologies because of their lower efficiencies in harnessing solar energy.

In fact, it is easy to foresee a segmented industry with a dual focus. One segment would focus on silicon-based photovoltaics using rigid, bulky solar panels primarily in large-scale applications such as producing power for utilities. A second segment would focus on low-cost technologies based on nanomaterials and conductive polymers to provide flexible PV products for buildings with better efficiencies and aesthetics.

Silicon-based Photovoltaics

The generally higher efficiencies (12-22 percent) of rigid solar cells based on silicon technology have made silicon the photovoltaic of choice despite its relatively high manufacturing costs. One way to bring down cost is through a modified manufacturing process called silicon ribbon growth that reduces the number of processing steps to six from the nine used in conventional bulk silicon growth based on ingot technology. Evergreen Solar (www.evergreensolar.com), a recognized leader in the field, has been developing interesting manufacturing processes using ribbon silicon technology.

Regardless of whether silicon solar cells are based on ingot or ribbon growth manufacturing technologies, however, increasing energy conversion efficiency will always be an issue. One way to attain greater efficiency is to increase solar cells' spectral sensitivity by using broader or different regions of solar radiation, by better matching the solar emission and producing higher absorption coefficients, and by using a higher fraction of sunlight that eliminates losses through excessive heating of the silicon cell. For example, a 2004 patent, "High Efficient PN Junction Solar Cell" (US6696739B2) describes a solar cell showing improved energy conversion efficiency by minimizing the shading loss while reducing the manufacturing costs.

Still another way of lowering cost is through the technique of concentrated photovoltaics. Passive optical elements are used to concentrate sunlight onto photovoltaic cells resulting in more energy output while using fewer PV cells.

Thin Films and Plastic or Polymer-based Photovoltaics

The first generation PV cells, developed in the 1970s, used monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon. These are the rigid panels most people think of whenever solar cells are mentioned. These PV cells are made of semiconductor wafers in glass and require complex manufacturing processes.

The second generation, developed in the '80s, is known as thin films. It still requires low-pressure, high-temperature film deposition and complex manufacturing processes. Cadmium telluride (CdTe) cells are the most successful technology of this generation because of their very high conversion efficiency combined with a bandgap that is very close to the theoretically calculated optimum value for solar cells under un-concentrated sunlight. This is also an ideal PV cell for use in concentrated photovoltaics.

The majority of these second-generation cells are placed on glass, so they remain rigid. However, Global Solar (www.globalsolar.com) announced in March 2008 that it has developed a proprietary process for manufacturing flexible thin-film copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) photovoltaic modules. While other companies produce CIGS on glass, Global Solar is thought to be the only company with CIGS on flexible materials. CIGS cells are deposited on a stainless steel backing which also makes them lightweight and durable.

Organic Solar Cells

Plastic or polymer-based photovoltaics, developed in the '90s, are considered third- generation solar cells. Also called organic solar cells, these cells use photoactive or photosensitive dyes and conducting polymers that can be manufactured at high speeds and low temperatures.

Manufacturing costs can be reduced as a result of using a low temperature process similar to printing instead of the high temperature vacuum deposition process typically used to produce the first and second generation cells. Reduced installation costs are achieved by producing flexible rolls instead of rigid crystalline panels.

Currently, third generation solar cells are not as efficient as the first- or second-generation cells, but their lower cost offsets this deficiency. In the long term, these materials should cost even less and, using quantum dots to decrease the bandgap of the base material, they should reach higher efficiency levels than conventional cells.

Efficiency Improvements Being Explored

University of Notre Dame researchers have shown that adding carbon nanotubes to a titanium dioxide film doubles the efficiency of converting ultraviolet light into electrons when compared with the performance of nanoparticles alone. (Titanium dioxide is a main ingredient in white paint.) Without the carbon nanotubes, electrons generated when light is absorbed by titanium dioxide particles have to jump from particle to particle to reach an electrode. Many never make it out to generate an electrical current. The carbon nanotubes provide a conduit for electrons for a more direct route to the electrode, improving solar cell efficiency.

Titanium dioxide, however, absorbs only ultraviolet light, leaving most of the visible spectrum of sunlight to be reflected rather than absorbed. In dye-sensitized solar cells, a one-molecule thick layer of light-absorbing dye is applied to the titanium dioxide nanoparticles to catch more of the spectrum. Another approach coats nanoparticles with quantum dots or nanocrystals, which act as tiny semiconductors. Unlike conventional materials in which one photon generates just one electron, quantum dots are able to convert high-energy photons into multiple electrons. Other ways of improving collection of electrons within a solar cell include forming titanium dioxide nanotubes or complex branching structures made of various semiconductors.

Emerging Leaders in Printed Photovoltaics

Konarka Technologies (www.konarka.com) recently announced the first demonstration of manufacturing solar cells by highly efficient inkjet printing. "Demonstrating the use of inkjet-printing technology as a fabrication tool for highly efficient solar cells and sensors with small area requirements is a major milestone," says Rick Hess, President and CEO at Konarka. "This essential breakthrough in the field of printed solar cells positions Konarka as an emerging leader in printed photovoltaics." Inkjet printing is commonly used for controlled applications of functional materials solutions in specific locations on a substrate (RFID tags, for example), and it can provide easy and fast deposition of polymer films over a large area. Another leader in organic or plastic solar cells (third generation PV) is Plextronics (http://www.plextronics.com), a company concentrating on printed electronics technology.

Konarka's Power Plastic technology is focused on delivering lightweight, flexible, scalable, and manufacturable products. The inkjet demonstration confirms that organic solar cells can be processed using printing technologies with little or no loss compared with clean-room semiconductor technologies, such as spin coating. Inkjet printing could become a smart tool to manufacture solar cells with multiple colors and patterns for lower-power requirement products, such as indoor or sensor applications.

According to Solar Cells Info (solarcellsinfo.com), by 2009 at the latest, Konarka plans to bring multiple forms of its product to market-everything from tiny cells for sensors to fabric-based (solar cells embedded in awnings, for example) and larger building panels. The process involves printing or coating nanoparticles such as quantum dots or nanocrystals onto other material. Hess says Konarka is currently working with U.S. Green Building Council LEED designers on custom installations.

Final Thoughts

On the environmental side, it is estimated that compared to fossil fuel electricity generation, each kW of installed solar PV power annually saves up to 25 kg (55 lbs) of nitrogen & sulfur oxides, and offsets 600 to 2300 kg (1300 to 5100 lbs) of carbon dioxide, depending on the fuel mix and solar insolation (Incident solar radiation). It is worth noting that only a few years ago, while oil prices were relatively low, the growth of interest in PV technologies was based mostly on the environmental concerns rather than the concern on exhaustion of fossil fuel reserves and the recent higher oil prices. It is now clear that the dual focus of PV technologies along with improving the efficiency and reducing costs of the various PV systems will ensure sustained growth in this industry.

Nerac Inc. is a global research and advisory firm for companies developing innovative products and technologies. Nerac Analysts deliver custom assessments of product and technology development opportunities, competitor intelligence, intellectual property strategies, and compliance requirements through a proven blended approach to custom analysis: review of technical knowledge, investigation of intellectual property, and appraisal of business impacts. Nerac deploys analysts in diverse disciplines to help clients discover new applications, serving as a catalyst for new thinking and creative approaches to business problems or identifying strategic growth opportunities. On the web at http://www.nerac.com